Nori Jemil
Getting great images is all about being in the right place at the right time – but If we do all the hard graft and prep long before we leave home, luck is more likely to be on our side.
Working on assignment as a photographer for travel publications sounds like a dream job, but it involves a lot of initial preparation. From research and planning to ensuring you have the right equipment to cover all eventualities, a lot of the success will come down to what you do before you leave home. Being a travel photographer means you usually need to keep kit to a minimum, so having the right stuff for the job and planning ahead is key. The 30 min talk will explore how to pitch, plan and ultimately deliver a photo story, with some tips on getting published for photographers new to the game.

Nori Jemil is a London-based travel photographer and writer. Author of The Travel Photographer’s Way, which was shortlisted for an Edward Stanford Travel Writing Award in 2022, she’s also a co-author for Fodor Travel’s Guide to London. She’s a mentor on Intrepid’s 2024 Diversifying the Travel Media programme, and won LATA’s best UK media published image of Latin America in 2023. Nori is a regular contributor to National Geographic Traveller (UK), moderating masterclasses, as well producing photo features. She helps judge photo competitions for Wanderlust magazine and the conservation-led Focus for Survival. A regular photography guide for Australis Expeditions in Patagonia, Nori also teaches filmmaking in the UK. She lived in Chile for several years, and has close ties to Perth, visiting family regularly to travel in her favourite Aussie state.